Brandon Toddler Program: 2-3 Year Olds
“Terrible Twos” — Don’t Believe the Hype

They’re not so terrible
Your two year old is bursting with curiosity. He busily explores his world and is learning to communicate his thoughts and feelings. As he begins to exert his independence, he is also gaining a better understanding of what it means to play with others.
Our Early Learners program will keep his small hands busy and his mind engaged through countless activities focusing on both educational fundamentals and social skill development including:
Why, What and How
A child’s blossoming language skills prompt many “why,” “what,” and “how” questions. We will insure that your child’s play and daily activities are filled with new discoveries and experiences.
We encourage him to explore his environment, increase his curiosity and enhance his knowledge of the world around him. Our skilled teachers will be there to guide, encourage and support him, filling him with confidence, self-esteem and a love of learning.
Whole Child Education

Academics Abound
Our curriculum consists of 12 monthly units. Through small- and large-group instruction and a thoughtfully developed classroom environment, your child will benefit from activities related to cognitive, language, social and physical development.
Your child’s classroom is designed with a children in mind—shelves are low and open, supplies and toys are easy to reach, toy and material boxes and tubs are colorfully labeled with both a photograph and written word, and tables are low so that your child is able to help himself to materials and put them back when they are done.
Love of Literacy
Children who learn to love books from an early age are more likely to become successful learners and lifelong readers. That knowledge guides us to fill our classrooms with a vast assortment of good books so your child can access and enjoy them throughout the day.
Because our teachers make reading together a top priority, your youngster will benefit from many rich and varied conversations surrounding these stories and books.
Pre-literacy skills are also embedded in many of the activities we offer your child, laying the groundwork for future reading and writing success.
Preparing for Potty Training
Although children potty-train at their own pace, you and your child’s teacher will work together to provide the best environment for successfully reaching this milestone.
Built On The Foundation Of Family!
CALL US TODAY at (813) 689-6820 or Contact Us Online To Get Started!